
Alexey Ulyakov

The Centre of revival and development of national cultures in Ulyanovsk [0] - 02.02.2025

The Ulyanovsk region in the multinational Volga region, due to its geographical position, takes an exclusive place and has complex national structure. Representatives of more than hundred nationalities live in its territory. The area history is a good example of peaceful co-existence of not only two world religions and civilizations, but also various languages of groups and cultural traditions.

In October, 1989 the decision of creation in the Ulyanovsk region the House of friendship of the nations was accepted with the country council executive committee.
In 1994 under the order of the Head of administration of the region, J.F.Gorjachev, the House of friendship of the nations has been renamed into the Centre of revival and development of national cultures of the Ulyanovsk region. The Management of affairs of culture and art of administration of the Ulyanovsk region and The Management of communications with the public and religious organizations of administration of the Ulyanovsk region became the founders of the Centre.

In 2008 in Ulyanovsk in the building of the former cinema "October" was opened the Centre of the Tatar culture which was included into structure of the Centre of revival and development of national cultures.

In 2009 the Centre of revival and development of national cultures became the branch of the regional state body of culture "The Centre of national culture of the Ulyanovsk region".
Revival, preservation and development of national cultures, traditions, ceremonies became the main purpose of creation of the Centre; wide use of the best creations of folk art, originality, cultural values of the nations living in territory of the Ulyanovsk region.

The primary goal of the Centre – coordination of activity of national-cultural autonomies and the public national organizations of preservation and development of national cultures; formation of the system of information and methodical maintenance and development of national collectives of the municipal unions of the Ulyanovsk region.

The Centre takes an active part in formation and realization of national and cultural policy in the region, development of international communications with such republics as Mordovia, Tatarstan, Chuvashiya, and also with other republics of Russia and the countries of near and far abroad.
The Сentre works together with regional national-cultural autonomies and national public organizations:
The Ulyanovsk regional Tatar national-cultural autonomy;
The Ulyanovsk regional Chuvash national-cultural autonomy;
The Ulyanovsk regional Mordovian national-cultural autonomy;
The Ulyanovsk regional German national-cultural autonomy;
The Ulyanovsk regional Jewish national-cultural autonomy;
The Ulyanovsk Azerbaijan public organization "Nizami";
The Ulyanovsk regional branch of the all-Russian public organization "Union of Armenians of Russia".

The Ulyanovsk regional branch of the all-Russian public organization "All-Russia Azerbaijan Congress".

Annually traditional festivals of national creativity, competitions are spent with the Centre in close cooperation with the regional municipal unions such as:
"Sember zhyry" – a festival-competition of the Tatar song (Starokulatkinsky, Cherdaklinsky, Melekessky, Pavlovsky, Tsilninsky, Ulyanovsk areas);
"Chavash shapchake" – a competition of the Chuvash song (Melekessky, Novomalyklinsky, Sengileevsky, Tsilninsky, Ulyanovsk areas);
"Sarpike" – a competition "Chuvash beauty" (Melekessky, Novomalyklinsky, Sengileevsky, Tsilninsky, Ulyanovsk areas);
"Mastorovan morot" – a festival of the Mordovian folklore (Novomalyklinsky, Inzensky, Pavlovsky, Nikolaevsky, Kuzovatovsky, Veshkaymsky, Sursky, Melekessky).

The Centre gives lots of attention to development of children's creativity, carrying out of children's regional festivals:
"Erzyan moro – pingede pinges" ("The Erzyansky song from century to century");
"Chavash achi sassuna par" ("Ring, children's voices");
"Sember karlygachlary" ("Simbirsk hand bells");
Children's international festival "Children – our future".
Each festival has its own direction – it is not only revealing of the best samples of musical-song creativity, but also revival of the forgotten ancient genres, ceremonies, traditions.
One of mainstreams of work of the Centre is carrying out of regional national ceremonial holidays:
The Chuvash: "Akatuy", "Savarni" ("Pancake week"), "Kirhi sara" ("Autumn beer");
The Tatar: "Sabantuy", "Navruz", "Kaz emese" ("Plucking of geese"), "Nardugan" ("New year");
The Mordovian: "Roshtuvan kudo" ("Christmas"), "Kizen vastoma" ("Meeting of the summer");
The German: "Wastnacht" ("Pancake week"), "Weihnachten" ("Christmas");
The Jewish: "Rosh ashana" ("New year"), "Pesah" ("Easter"), "Purim" ("Spring carnival"), "Khanuka" ("Holiday of Light").

The priority directions of activity of the Centre of national cultures include as well work with youth. "Round tables", international youth forums, assemblies, actions, trainings and other significant youth actions go under the motto "We are different – but we are together".

The stored experience has helped the Centre to be on higher level of the organization of various actions and to take active part in carrying out of the international and inter-regional festivals. In the city and region have passed successfully:
The international festival of German culture;
The international festival of the Turkic nations;
The international youth festival "There are lots of cultures – there is one Russia";
Inter-regional festivals of German culture "Volga meetings of Germans of Russia";
Inter-regional festivals the Turkic nations "Between the Volga river and the Urals";
Inter-regional festivals of the Finno-Ugric nations "Music of centuries";
Inter-regional festival of the Mordovian folklore "Mastoravan morot" ("Songs of the Mother-earth");
Inter-regional festival of the Jewish culture "Khanuka in Simbirsk";
Inter-regional festival of a national suit "Patterns of the Volga region";
Inter-regional festival "Musical palette of the nations of the Volga region".

Methodologists of the Centre annually participate in competition of projects of regional and federal target programs. So within the limits of the target program "Culture – to Russia" 10 inter-regional festivals have been spent. In 2009 within the limits of the given program the Federal Tatar national holiday "Sabantuy" and the III inter-regional festival of the Finno-Ugric nations "Music of centuries" have been spent. In 2010 in the picturesque Mordovian village Kivat of the municipal union "Kuzovatovsky area" carrying out of the II inter-regional festival of the Mordovian folklore and arts-and-crafts creativity "Mastorovan morot" ("Songs of the Mother-earth") is planned.
Close, creative cooperation of the Centre of national cultures with museums of the city and with the municipal unions of the region, regional libraries, theatres appreciably improve quality of spent festivals and holidays; make it more sated with information, entertainment and versatile.
The important component of work of the Centre is carrying out of regional seminars in various directions with art workers and heads of the collectives of amateur performances of the municipal unions of the region. Each seminar includes in the program study, an exchange of an operational experience, "master classes", a practical training with display of ceremonial national holidays. Leading experts of the region and Chuvashiya, Mordovia, Tatarstan regions take part in work of seminars.

The Centre spends training of employees in International houses of national creativity, participates in the All-Russia and republican seminars. Exchanges an operational experience, directs the participants of amateur performances on the All-Russia, republican festivals, competitions, concerts.
In the Centre there is literature about culture and traditions of the nations of the Volga region, both in Russian, and in national languages. It is created video and a record library of materials of the spent actions.

At the Centre are created and work 18 creative collectives two of which carry a rank "national". Soloists and amateur performances collectives give the concerts in areas of the region, and also take part in festivals, competitions of other regions and republics.

The operational experience saved up by the Centre causes huge interest in Departments and Managements of cultures of regions of the Privolzhsky Federal district and other regions of Russia which quite often address in the Centre for the methodical help.

Culture |24.02.2010 | Views: 1170
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