
International JEF seminar, Helsinki - 09.02.2025

Deadline: 7. August 2011
Open to: Not defined
Venue: 22. – 28. October 2011, Helsinki, Finland


“Fixing a hole – closing the gaps in democracy!” is an international seminar organised by JEF-Europe and JEF-Finland in Helsinki, the capital of Finland from 22 until 28 October 2011.

The participants of the seminar ‘Fixing a hole – closing the gaps in democracy’ will study and try to find the answer to these questions. In a dynamic exchange with elected representatives and youth leaders at local, national and European level, participants will have the possibility to understand differences within Europe and between our continent and the rest of the world and exchange good practices. Participants will study in which extent different legal, educational and communicational measures can promote youth participation and youth representation in society at local, national and transnational level and promote democratic and social inclusion.

The working methodology is based on a combination of non-formal and formal education methods and on a strong interaction with democratic and civil society representatives. A whole day will be dedicated to a simulation of an international decision-making process. The seminar will also provide a range of leisure activities in the city of Helsinki enjoying the rich European history and culture this city has to offer. The seminar will be held in English.

Applicants requiring a visa for Finland should indicate this in the online application form.

Topics of the seminar

- To which extend and how is Europe’s youth involved into the democratic procedures on the local, regional, national, European and global level?

- How can the decreasing demographic weight and a lowering democratic participation be addressed?

- In which extend do the conventions and charters on rights promoted by the Council of Europe promote the democratic empowerment of young generations?

- Which is the contribution of youth work to the development of social responsibilities?

A limited number of scholarships will be available for this event. If your personal situation makes financial support necessary in order to participate, please mention the reasons in the online application form.

70% of the travel costs will be reimbursed by bank transfer after the seminar upon submission of all original travel documents/boarding passes. Maximum reimbursement = 170 EUR.

In order to participate on the seminar, you need to pay a participation fee. The participation fee of 120 EUR for JEF members and 150 EUR for non-JEF members is to be paid by bank transfer within 10 days after receipt of confirmation. JEF-Europe reserves the right to cancel your participation if no payment was received within 10 days after confirmation.
How to apply?

To participate in this international experience, please fill out the online application form found here.

Applications have to be submitted via the online form the latest on Sunday 7 August 2011, 23h59 CET. Selected applicants will be contacted by mid-August.


JEF seminars
European Secretariat
214d Chaussée de Wavre
B-1050 Bruxelles
Phone: +32 2 5120053
Fax: +32 2 6269501

The Official Website
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