
Dnipropetrovsk International program Model United Nations - 02.02.2025

DIPMUN will be held from 26th– 29th August Nov 2011.
The application is opened on 1st June 2011.

Participation fee:
Citizens of Ukraine - 15 euro (170 hrivnas)
Citizens of the CIS states – 20 euro
Citizens of the EU, the USA, Canada and Switzerland – 40 euro
Citizens of other states – 30 euro

You will have free lunches within 4 days of the conference.
We don’t have travel grants.

Please, take into account that you should pay for your accommodation, but our team will do our best to arrange the cheap hostel for all participants.

General applications are accepted until 15th July, 2011. As a special service for those who need a Visa we offer a Visa Priority application until the 1st July (strongly recommended for all Visa applicants!). Approximately two weeks after the closure of the application process we will inform you whether you application has been accepted, declined or if you are on the waiting list. Kindly note that we are currently processing visa applications as a priority. Please be patient, if you do not require a visa we will contact you in due time!
Jobs and grants |26.05.2011 | Views: 688
Total comments: 1
1 Schneekönigin   (27.05.2011 13:03) [Материал]
наконец-то и у нас пройдет Модель ООН. Приглашаем всех желающих!!!

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