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7th Annual Summer School "Security Challenges in XXI Century" - 02.02.2025
Prague Security Studies Institute's 7th Annual Summer School entitled "Security Challenges in XXI Century" will take place in Telc, Czech Republic on July 10-15, 2011.The main objective of the summer school, which is held in cooperation with NATO's Public Diplomacy Division, is to offer a high-profile study course for students of graduate programs, based on presentations, interactive workshops and simulations with international security experts from academia and government.
Students of graduate programs in Political Science, International Relations and Economy and other relevant fields from NATO's member and partner countries are eligible to apply. Summer school will cover topics such as NATO's new Strategic Concept, NATO-Russia relations, the role of Russia in European security, key challenges for reconstruction operations in Afghanistan, and Afghanistan after the sure.
Registration fee amounts to 1500,- Kc / 60 EUR. Accommodation and meals will be fully covered by organizers; foreign participants' travel expenses will be partially reimbursed.
Please download the application and send it filled-out (along with required attachments) to christensen@pssi.cz by June 12, 2011. The selected participants will be notified by June 19, 2011.
For further information please contact Mr. Stephen Christensen at christensen@pssi.cz
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