
Urban Youth, Budapest and Marseille - 02.02.2025

Deadline: 01 July 2011
Open to: Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth workers and people working in disadvantaged (sub)urban areas from Program Countries, South-East Europe, Eastern Europe and Caucasus
Costs: board and lodging costs are covered by the organizers. Check with your national agency for traveling costs
Venue: 6 – 12 December 2011 Budapest, Hungary, and January 2013 in Marseille

The Hungarian and the French NAs in cooperation with the SALTO Inclusion Resource Centre are organizing a Long Term Training Course to stimulate more inclusive (international) youth projects in disadvantaged (sub)Urban settings.

The LTTC will consist of two residential seminars (the first in Budapest in December 2011 and the second in Marseille 20 January 2013) and a practical period between the two training courses when participants are explore the potential of international projects – stimulate and support them to realize with the support of the trainers team.

Long Term Training Course Urban Youth (LTTC Urban Youth) will explore and analyze inclusive youth work and the potential of international youth projects in achieving inclusion, so all participants should be committed to increase the involvement of young people with fewer opportunities living in disadvantaged (sub)urban areas.


Project managers, youth leaders, youth workers, social workers, street workers, peer educators working in disadvantaged (sub)urban areas from Program Countries, South-East Europe, Eastern Europe and Caucasus.


Online application.


Hosting costs will be covered by the Hungarian and the French NA. In case your are selected, the sending costs for participants will be reimbursed by the sending NAs, depending on the national regulations.


Gabriella Zs. Nagy
FH- MOBILITÁS Országos Ifjúsági Szolgálat – Fiatalok Lendületben Programiroda NESO- MOBILITÁS National Youth Service-Youth in Action National Agency HU-1134 Budapest, Tüzér u. 33-35.
Phone: +36 1 237 6720, +36 70 366 0334
Fax: +36 1 237-6718

Official webpage

Jobs and grants |06.05.2011 | Views: 690
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