
The International Youth Camp “Dialogue” - 09.02.2025

The International Youth Camp “Dialogue” for intercultural dialogue and for implementation of the “Kazan Action Plan” and Declaration of Volga Forum will take place from 21 to 24 of July 2011 in Kaluga region at the cultural-educational touristic centre “Ethnomir”.

Dates and venue:
The camp will be held from 21 to 24 July 2011 in Kaluga region (Russian Federation). The participants should plan to arrive on 21 July (first half of the day, before 12 a.m.) to Moscow and to depart on 24 July (second part of the day, after 15 a.m.) from Moscow. The participants will be transferred to the place of the Camp and back with comfortable buses.

The Programme of the Camp will be based on the principle and practice of non-formal education and is conceived to allow a learner-centered approach taking into account the needs, interests and experiences of participants.
Participants will have opportunity to make personal contributions and will be encouraged to organise their own projects as well as to transfer what they have learned to young people in their country and organisations.
Experts and trainers of the Council of Europe and the National Youth Council of Russia, representatives of the state bodies and NGOs, politologists, sociologists, mass media will take part in the Camp.
Profile of the participants
The Camp will bring together 300 young people, representing 50 ethnic groups from Europe and beyond.
The Council of Europe is now launching the call for participants from its member states (other than the Russian Federation).

Participants should:
• be aged between 18-30;
• be resident in one of the Council of Europe’s member states other than the Russian Federation;
• be motivated to participate in the Camp;
• have an experience in intercultural, interethnic or interreligious youth events;
• speak Russian or English fluently;
• have an interest in the development of intercultural dialogue;
• be committed to act as a multiplier;
• be willing to participate in all activities foreseen for the whole duration of the Camp programme;
• be a member of an youth organisation (at a local, regional or national level).
Priority may be given to the participants who are able to communicate in the Russian language.
25 participants coming from the Council of Europe’s member states (other than the Russian Federation) will be selected by the team representing Council of Europe trainers and organisers on the basis of the profile outlined above. A balanced group (sex, geographical regions, different types of experiences, cultural backgrounds and organizations) will be as well ensured. Food, accommodation and travel expenses of 25 selected European participants will be covered by the Council of Europe.
Other 275 participants will be selected by the Russian organisers who will also cover their expenses.

Working languages:
The camp will be held in English and Russian.

Application procedure and selection of participants:
All candidates from the Council of Europe’s member states (other than the Russian Federation) should apply by filling in the online application form available at before the 15th May 2011.
Interested Russian candidates should consult the website of the National Youth Council of Russia or address their questions to:
By 26 May 2011 the selected applicants will be notified on the results of the selection process.

Financial and technical conditions of participation:
Food, accommodation and travel expenses for 25 European participants will be covered by the Council of Europe.

All applications should be filled online!

For any further information and support, please contact the Secretariat at +33 (0) 3 88 41 27 77 or by email at

Jobs and grants |03.05.2011 | Views: 752
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