
Ride for your Rights!, European Tour [0] - 08.04.2011

Open to: youngsters, activists, students from all over Europe
Dates and Venue: 3 July - 15 September 2011, 12 European countries

European Journalism Institute Summer School (9-17.07.2011, Czech Republic) [0] - 08.04.2011

Though culture and customs dictate differences in journalism from country to country, at the heart of professional, responsible journalism rests a similar set of principles and practices. In emerging democracies and those long-established, journalism serves to build communities, to encourage citizenship, to give voice to the voiceless, to foster democracy. Weigh those lofty aspirations against the harsher reality that journalism is a business. Because it is a business, many claim that it is less independent and less courageous than it needs to be to truly serve its readers, its viewers, its listeners.

International Summer Academy on Human Rights and Human Security [0] - 08.04.2011

The ETC International Summer Academy on Human Rights and Human Security 2011 will be held from 10 to 20 July 2011 in Graz, Austria.


July 11th - 29th 2011

The International Summer Language School (ISLS) has been organised by the International Office, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic since 1990.