
2011 World 2.0: on-line vs. off-line - 02.02.2025

Slovakia, July 14-21, 2011 (exact date to be confirmed)

The training reflects the situation of the current world´s state in which a real anda virtual realities are constantly interacting. A week long session inspired by the term Web 2.0 is an interactive users´ generated content kind of training where participants are an active part during all of its phases which allows them to perceive new information as well as share their own experience with others. Through the training participants will analyze and learn about interactions between real and virtual world through various sessions on current topics as well as through practical exercises.

Participants from 12 countries from EU, South Europe, Eastern Europe and Caucasus will learn how to effectively live and interact between the two worlds which we are surrounded by and learn to use all the available tools to make this interaction efficient. They will also learn how to prepare and launch a simple media campaign in order to learn how to use this tools in a valuable way to make a positive impact on the real world.

Except for representatives from 12 partner organizations, additional 12 spots will be opened to individual applicants from partner organization´s countries: UK, Lithuania, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia.

On-line applications is opened until May 15th, 2011: World 2.0 application

Jobs and grants |29.03.2011 | Views: 646
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