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EUROsimA 2011, European Union Model, Ankara - 02.02.2025
University (METU) Foreign Policy and International Relations Club (FPIRC) since 2005. The participants get the chance to take active roles on the basis of “representation” during the EUROsimA, especially throughout the decision-making processes within the bodies of the European Union.Each participant represents a minister of an EU member state or a Member of the European Parliament. EUROsimA gives participants an opportunity to experience what they have learned in theory and provides them a better understanding of decision-making mechanisms of the European Union institutions and the functioning of these institutions.
All information about the Committees here.
Students from all backrounds.
* Fee for foreign participants: €150 per delegate/advisor/press member
* Fee for Turkish participants wishing to participate in cultural trip: 290 TL per delegate/advisor/press member
* Fee for Turkish participants demanding accommodation in Ankara: 230 TL per delegate/advisor/press member
* Fee for Turkish participants wishing to attend the conference exclusively: 90 TL per delegate/advisor/press member
More information about Conference costs, click here.
* info@eurosima2011.org
* inquiries about the accommodation and transportation: pelinkuney@eurosima2011.org
* inquiries about the application: iremuzluer@eurosima2011.org and leventkizilbagli@eurosima2011.org
* February 19, 2011: Applications start
* February 19, 2011: Applications for committee directors begin
* March 27, 2011: Early application period ends
* March 27, 2011: Applications for committee directors end
* March 28, 2011: Late application period commences
* March 31, 2011: Deadline for the fee payments for the early application period
* April 3, 2011: Announcement of allocations for the early application period
* April 10, 2011: The last day for applications
* April 15, 2011: Deadline for the fee payments for the late application period
* April 18, 2011: Announcement of all allocations
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