
BLIMUN Conference, Bulgaria - 09.02.2025

The Blagoevgrad International Model United Nations (BLIMUN) is an international, university-level simulation organized by the Model United Nations Club of the American University in Bulgaria.

The AUBG MUN Club holds workshops, invites guest lecturers to the campus of the American University, and prepares other events alike, thus allowing members and participants to meet and develop an appreciation of contemporary problems affecting the lives of today’s global society. The underpinning objective of our work is to promote the values of the United Nations by inspiring students to be responsive to the needs of societies worldwide.

Blagoevgrad International Model United Nations (BLIMUN)2011 is the third annual, international, university-level simulation of the United Nations to be hosted by the MUN Club of the American University in Bulgaria. This year, the organizing team has been working hard to elevate the organization on a level adequate for welcoming the greatest number of international participants from universities worldwide.

There will be two UN committees simulated at BLIMUN 2011:
The Security Council (SC) – Topic: Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iran
The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) – Topic: Improving tsunami warnings through a more coordinated UN effort

Official role of these committees
The Security Council has primary responsibility, outlined under the United Nations Charter, for the maintenance of international peace and security. When there is a threat issue brought before the Council, its first action is to suggest to the parties involved to reach an agreement through peaceful means. There are cases when the Council gets involved in the investigation and mediation by appointing representatives or by requesting the Secretary- General to do so.

Every enthusiastic, sociable and motivated student MUNer is welcome! You only have to be
Older than 18
Fluent in English

Previous MUN experience is an advantage, but not a condition. Just come prepared, and bring your open and positive attitude, knowledge, ideas and invincible MUN spirit.

The best delegate at BLIMUN 2011 will have the opportunity to attend the THESSIMUN 2011 conference at Thessaloniki, Greece that is going to take place on April 27-May 1, 2011. He/she will be waived from paying participation fee, accommodation or travel expenses. The idea is our best delegate to be awarded with the opportunity to share his/her experience and skills on other conference, to upgrade them and to have a chance to travel in the region.
Why to Apply

Skills improvement – As a participant, you will gain knowledge on the work of the United Nations, which is one of the conference’s goals.
Networking – An important part of the conference is interacting with new people
Fun – Besides the learning process and all the work that a conference requires, having fun is also an important part of the experience.
How to Apply

If you are find yourself as a suitable candidate and wish to participate, you can apply by submitting the following application form (please do not forget to attach your CV/resume). The country you will represent will be assigned to you based on your motivation letter and the overall application. You may select in order of preference three states to represent from the list of countries in the application.

Application deadline is 31st January. Selected candidates will be notified by 15th February 2011 or sooner. There will also be a waiting list, thus, if you don’t make it in immediately, don’t be discouraged.
Participation Fee

The participation fee for BLIMUN 2011 is to be paid per delegate and depends on the date that you will apply on:
35 euro – If you apply by 15st of January
45 euro – if you apply by 31st of January

This fee covers all basic expenses of your stay in Blagoevgrad.
Participation at the BLIMUN 2011 simulation
Accommodation for 3 days (2 nights) in Hotel “Christo”
-Meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks during the 3 days )
Coffee breaks during sessions
Materials needed for the simulation
Workshops and lectures

Official web-site

Jobs and grants |18.01.2011 | Views: 642
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