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Workshop for Critical Curators, Serbia - 02.02.2025
DEZ ORG are pleased to launch an open call for applications for a curatorial workshop targeted at individuals who have started a career in contemporary art as curators, writers or critics. This workshop will be part of the 10 years of D.B. Mangelos Award program (YVAA network) and is aimed at starting a dialogue about contemporary artistic/curatorial practice in S/CEE region. The workshop will take place in Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia on 27th and 28th of April 2011 (Wednesday and Thursday) and is organized by Remont, DEZ ORG and Ilija and Mangelos Foundation.
The Concept
Is there such a practice as a critical curating and what would it assume? In today’s conditions of cultural and knowledge production and general flexibilization and professionalization of labor, it could be said that particular figure of a curator lives its expanded role as a cultural producer. Indeed, the role of a curator in contemporary production of art&culture goes way beyond mediation of art works towards the audience, since it includes variety of activities ranging from basic conceptualizing and mounting of the exhibition, to handling complex institutional network of relationships and financial logistics.
Curators’ role today is expanded indeed, but that expansion also comprehends imperative to network, to improve managerial skills, to communicate and cooperate, which is pointing out a new form of professionalization in cultural field of post-fordist labor market. That position often encompasses ambivalences which are present in practice of curating as a representational, an intermediary strategy between art world and society’s power structures/institutions.
On the other hand, the curatorial practice is very much involved with theoretical reflection, with knowledge and knowledge production, and it is rich with a potentiality, as a point of access to engagement in political aspects of society. Last but not least, although loaded with different influences, what should be remembered as a bottom-line of this particular practice in the art world is curator’s responsibility towards audience and the public.
Two-days long workshop in Novi Sad will try to open space for discussion among younger generation of curators from South East Europe, by enrolling and challenging theoretically on what they observe and do in the field of contemporary curating, and on what could be done. The discussions among curators and art critics will be accompanied with lectures and conversations with renowned international and regional curators and art theorists, which will serve as a further discussion booster. The workshop aims to map wider context of contemporary curating practice and to try to imagine discursive alternative strategies to it by answering the question: Is there such a practice as a critical curating and what would it assume? The workshop will be led by art critic Branka Ćurčić.
Application Procedure
In order to apply, please email the following information in English to dezorg@gmail.com by January 31st, 2011:
- A motivation letter explaining your background, why you are interested in participating in the workshop.
- A short biography, presenting recent relevant projects, or project/s you are currently involved with.
Ten applications will be accepted. Applicants living/working in the S/CEE region are welcomed to apply. Primary attention will be paid to applicants’ motivation letter. All applicants will be notified of the selection results by the end of February 2011. Workshop will be held in English.
For any additional info please write to this email: dezorg -at- gmail.com
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